Monday, April 9, 2007

Speaking and Presenting

You are a bad speaker.

There, I said it.

But, unfortunately, even though we don't know you most people are uhnnn, like ... poor speaking, ahh ... not good at talking in , ummm ... public.

At SEAS we have developed an intensive training course that walks speakers through every aspect of public speaking.

Yes, from preparation to configuration of visuals to the final delivery, there are very specific ways of crafting your presentation.

You can be the smartest person in the world if you can't deliver your message you have diminished your value.

Our primary target audience are college and university students becuase they are on the cusp of success and they MUST polish their oral presentation skills.

One of the central concerns of our class is to help speakers fix those HORRIBLE Power Point presentations!

Yes, Power Point can be deadly! As Tufte says there is a reason why we call PP outlines "bullets"! Often deadly bullets!

After we teach you how to make Power Point be a positive not a negative tool from a design perspective we teach you how to properly use Power Point when you deliver. (Hint - NEVER read long lines of text on a Power Point!).

So, I hope we see you in our class which will be taught on-line, on the Internet.

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